About me


Heyooo, My name is Vequve, i'm a student from Italy with the passion of programming.
I usually "make" website like this in html/css, but i can "code" in various programming languages such as C, Python and javascript!. In my freetime, other than coding, i usually watch anime;
My favorite anime of all time is Neon Genesis Evangelion
This was my (bad) try on remaking a website on the iconic style of windows 98.

Contact me!


If you want to contact me feel free to write me an email or, directly talk to me through Telegram,
for others account check the buttons below!



I don't have projects that are worth to be mentioned here, lol. If you want to see the most unoptimized and simple stuff you can check on Github ;).
I will add things to this section when i will get the will of making stuff.